human behavior: the anya zone

Welcome to Human Behavior

This here is a sample site. It will show you the do's and don'ts of a great writer's resource for BtVS Guild Wannabes, and for the rest of you, it'll give you pointers on how to create a pretty damn excellent fanfiction archive with extras.

For this example, we're pretending this is the Anya zone with coding and graphics made by Jennifer-Oksana of I'm Just Sayin. This here is obviously a main page, which is where one gives the gist of the site and shares useless facts, like I decided to call it Human Behavior after the Bjork song, cuz it fits Anya, et cetera.

Several notes about this design: notice how the links to the different sections of the pages are listed in easy order in the side column there. I like to do embedded text links on the index2.html of these sections, like so: Here you can find information about Anya, a growing archive of fanfiction that you may submit to, resources for writers and fans of the character, an interactive section, and information about the site. That way, even someone with a text-only browser can navigate your site!

Using the main page as your link to updates is also a good thing, so that someone looking for the new stuff only has to click once. Also, I use the main page for the first big disclaimer, as listed below in small print. Note also how the text and links are easy to read. As boring as it is, use black text on a white background WHENEVER POSSIBLE, and always for the fic itself. The reason I say so is lots of people like to print out fic to read. And what's easiest to print out, fic-wise? You got it. Black text on a white background.

Got it? Click on any of the side links to see a sample page and tips on what should be there to continue.

Anya, and indeed, her fictional universe, belongs to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, and Fox. This is a fan-run site not officially involved with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and means no infringement.
Last update: 07.05.02.


